Top Listed Healthy Food in Pregnancy

S. Regina

Top Listed Healthy Food in Pregnancy

Find what you should eat at pregnancy time and what should stop from our today post. Top listed meal planning help out you this summer and you enjoy tasty meal and juice. This healthy diet is perfect for mother and baby that grow. You can eat variety of food that provides balance diet to you.

You can easily avail vitamins, minerals, calcium, folic acid and more other at pregnancy time. You need to eat fresh fruit, vegetable, dry fruit, juice, milk and mix salad. Try to pick those recipes that are easy and short time consuming.

Fiesta Salad

Fiesta salad is your healthy diet that full of protein, calories, cholesterol, calcium, iron, vitamin and sugar need during pregnancy. You can eat salad in lunch that is delicious meal. What are ingredients of salad here we show down,

  • 2 cup romaine lettuce
  • 1 cup canned black beans
  • ½ medium bake potatoes
  • 1/3 cup cut tomato
  • ¼ cup frozen and corn kernels
  • 1 teaspoon olive oil
  • 1 teaspoon lemon juice
  • ¼ chopped garlic
  • Salt to taste
  • ¼ cup sprinkle

Chicken Sweet Corn & Noodle Soup

In early stage or pregnancy women normally feel sickness but its limited time. You should eat meal and snacks, crisp bread, rice, plain biscuits and potato. Choose easy and short time cooked recipes. One of our freezing recipes of soup down that help full during pregnancy and a healthy it is a diet. You need following ingredients!

  • 2 chopped carrot
  • 2 leeks finely in sliced shape
  • 2 corn on the cobs
  • 200g noodles
  • Small bunch parsley
  • 2 onions
  • 2 bay leaves
  • 1 leek cut in chunks shape
  • 6 black peppercorns
  • 4 celery sticks chopped
  • 2 teaspoon vegetable bouillon
  • 3kg chicken
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Dry Fruit

Daily eat variety of food when you will grow a baby. Keep balance in your balance diet is key of any diet and make sure you and your baby not get too much of one nutrient. You need to keep all balance in your meal and not get enough grain, protein and vitamins. Eat fresh fruit, vegetables, dry fruit, with that you will see more color in your dinner plate.

Forget dieting when you are pregnant because you and your baby whose you are going to birth need calories and nutrient during nine month. At this time a woman get weight but try not getting enough weight that may be risk for mother and baby.

Healthy Fruit

Variety of fruit that you eat is main source of nourishment. Meal that you eat and drink have a direct correlation between you and your baby. Take healthy diet during 32 weeks of pregnancy. Avoid from those fruit that are high in fat. When 32 week of pregnancy start your baby weight come at 4 to 4.5 pound. Small and frequent meal can eat after two to four hours in a day.

Apple Juice

Drink juice best suited during your pregnancy it’s a healthy nutrition for your baby. At that time fresh juice add sparkle and glow on your face so must take healthy juice during pregnancy. If you don’t know what juice is healthy for you and your baby that is these Guava juice, apple juice, Beet juice, grapes juice, banana and honey juice. Here recipe of simple and regular apple juice.

  • Take two peel apples
  • Boil them and let for cool down
  • Add in blinder with some lemon juice for few minutes
  • Pour in to glass and keep in fridge after cold serve.
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Milk during Pregnancy

Drink milk is good habit for pregnant women. Dairy include yogurt, and milk that contain protein and calcium so it best as compare to low fat meal. With milk you remain satisfy about pregnancy.

Strawberry Fruit during Pregnancy

Strawberry is a juicy fruit, usually very abundant Tempat Wisata di Banjarmasin and generally a healthy fruit that has proven to be best for pregnant women. It contains a lost amount of folic acid which is essential for pregnancy. The need for vitamin C in pregnant women increases with the refined nutrients of water so that they eat a lot. You can make strawberry combinations with this!

  • Mix with salad
  • Mix with natural yogurt

Mix with chocolate and nuts to enjoy in afternoon

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